Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Enabling remote access to JBoss 4.2

Today I had an issue remotely accessing my JBoss instance running on another machine. Unknowingly, JBoss 4.2 binds specifically to by default (see below for me details). Thankfully they had a simple solution; just append -b to your startup script to bind to all interfaces. So to start JBoss on linux when I know I want to access it remotely I do:

./jboss/bin/run.sh -b

ReadMe.html content on this subject:
"JBossAS now binds its services to localhost ( *by default*, instead of binding to all available interfaces ( This was primarily done for security reasons because of concerns of users going to production without having secured their servers properly. To enable remote access by binding JBoss services to a particular interface, simply run jboss with the -b option. To bind to all available interfaces and re-enable the legacy behavior use -b In any case, be aware you still need to secure you server properly."


Anonymous said...

Thanks James. Definately helped me out. Spent an hour or so figuring out why I could not access my JBoss instance. But now I can. Good post.

Anonymous said...

Sharp mate.

Anonymous said...

Thanks James..for the post..

Anonymous said...

Thanks mate, you did help me out.

Anonymous said...

I love u guy!!

Anonymous said...

thanks a ton dude..saved a lot of time..

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tip. After using it for a while, I found that having <Connector address="" ..> in server.xml do the job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks James,
Thats a wonderful timesaver.

ivan.inozemtsev said...

Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Thanks James. This resolved my problem.

I am trying to do the same when starting JBoss as a Windows service. I've tried to put

-params "-b" in the JavaService command line after the -start. But it didn't work. With this param, two JBOss services failed to start: WebServices and Naming. The exception said it cannot bind address Any idea??

I am using win xp sp2 and JBoss 4.2.3.GA.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the post, I was really stucked up with the issue...:-)

Anonymous said...

If you use the wrapper service from
to get jboss to run as a windows service you simply pass the -b in the wrapper.conf file


arpit said...

It helped! Had no clue how to do it. But it is working now. Thanks a lot!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

thx for posting this man this was a lifesaver for me man!

Ghodess said...

Thanks man!! Great info.. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. This came in handy.

Singgih Octafianto said...

hi james,
thank you for the great tips. i've been struggling with the problem for about several days. it really helps me :-)

wish you all the best, james!

singgih octafianto

Anonymous said...

V. useful, thanks James

Anonymous said...

Dude, I've going nuts trying to figure this out. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You might find RHUB’s http://www.rhubcom.com, Remote Access solution interesting. It is compatible with multiple platforms and provides all privileges for complete control of the remote system. Has some very impressive features.

Danny said...

Thanks a lot man :). It was really starting to irritate me that it wouldn't give me access.

Cheers again


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. This really helped me.

SquareofPrimes said...

Thank you all! This one has had me pulling my hair out for a week!

Remote Access said...

Sometimes the solution is so simple that you look right by it..Thanks for this one, great catch!

ian_scho said...

Thanks James.
I'm using Eclipse + WPT plugins, so on the Server tab double click your JBOSS AS v4.2 instance, select 'Open launch configuration', next the 'Arguments' tab and finally pre or postpend the '-b' parameter leaving a white space for other arguments if necessary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you soo much!

Anonymous said...

Great! Just what I needed!

Tez Kurmala said...

Thank you !!! That worked :)

Dayong said...

Thanks James, it is really help me out!