If there is one word a team should keep in mind when building a CI (Continuous Integration) environment it's Automate, Automate, and Automate (see Production-ready software, on-demand). Most teams, including mine currently, performs their releases manually; creating the branch, incrementing the POMs, uploading the artifacts to a repository, etc. This is one reason I wrote about using the maven release plugin to automate this process. I will say that having a CI server such as Hudson only helps in making automation easier.
My team also creates an official release about once every two months and supports that release anywhere between 1-2 weeks to months. It's also pretty intense during those 1-2 weeks when we have co-workers on-site installing and supporting our software in a completely different timezone and with limited access to the phone and internet.
Over the weekend I wrote a simple maven2 pom to help automate FTP'ing the release artifacts to an FTP server. Last week we created a branch and a job in hudson that builds that branch. After it successfully builds we use the assembly plugin to package our EAR, documentation, SQL files, and everything else into a single folder. In the past, a guy would then manually copy these files to the FTP server, which was used by the on-site team to download the latest artifacts containing improvements and bug fixes. This release we wanted to automate this step to increase our response time for the on-site team.
First Try using GMaven Plugin
I knew that Ant had an FTP task and I love doing Ant in Groovy because its so much easier so I decided to first try the GMaven plugin (maven groovy plugin). It was a short trip since the FTP task is an optional library in Ant and you have to include the jar in your POM, but I could never get the gmaven plugin to recognize the dependency (see MGROOVY-152). Look at the Jira issue attachments if you want to reference my POM as an example. It's too bad I couldn't get this to work because it would have been sweet:
log.info('Entering in ftp script')
def config = [server: 'localhost',
remotedir: '/home/jlorenzen/ftptest',
user: 'ftp',
password: 'ftp'
ant.ftp(config) {
fileset(dir: '
Second Try Maven AntRun PluginI was finally able to get this to work using the maven-antrun-plugin. Here is my POM
<ftp server="localhost"
<fileset dir="/home/jlorenzen/Documents"/>